Marketplace products

"Extensive selection of products, services, and suppliers"

What is Marketplace products?

Extensive selection of products from trusted partners
LCSC Marketplace offer an intergrated platform for an extended list of approved suppliers to sell products through LCSC. Marketplace products will be inspected and shipped from our warehouse.
520,00 Additional Products Available. 300,000 Addtional Stcoks
Preferred and qualified suppliers
Marketplace vendors are reviewed and vetted by LCSC. They are qualified in our supplier management system.
Quality-Assure Testing
With strict criteria base, marketplace products undergoes inspection and testing in LCSC Warehouse to ensure top-notch quality and reliability.

How to purchase?

Order requires an RFQ process for LCSC to fix the price and secure stock.
Search Product at
Look for prodcut with "Marketplace" mark
Click “quote" to add product to cart
Request a quote in shopping cart
Await quotation in 24 hours
(partial await minimum 10 seconds)
check out
Ship from LCSC warehouse
(without any addtional charge)
Any question? Contact Us


How to identify Marketplace Product
Products with an orange "Marketplace Product on LCSC" label
Are there any conditions for purchasing Marketplace products?
Marketplace products are open to all registered users
How to deal with order issue regarding marketplace product?
The Return Policy for Marketplace items is the same as LCSC policy. Our service team will contact you if any order issues arise on our side. Please contact us at for further assistance.
How do I get a quote or price and availability for Marketplace products?
Add Marketplace product to shopping cart to request a quote, you will receive the quotation in 24 working hours by email.Our RFQ apply to Marketplace items as well as all LCSC products.
How will LCSC enure the quality of marketplace products?
Marketplace product will have the same IQC as LCSC product to ensure it's Genuine and original.