State-of-the-Art Warehouse Operation
LCSC always focuses on providing better services for clients. Warehouse operation system has been updated constantly in order to satisfy the customers' demands.
LCSC is a global distributor of electronic components. Our intelligent warehouses span 130,000㎡ and house over 500,000 in-stock SKUs. We continuously expand our components category to provide customers with a wide-ranging selection.
Our self-developed warehouse management system streamlines order processing, reducing processing time to just 4 hours from parts picked to sorting completed. Our warehouses are located in Guangdong and Jiangsu, with a new one currently in the pilot phase in Hong Kong.
Thanks to our impressive logistics infrastructure, most of the items we offer are available for immediate shipment. From our facilities, we dispatch up to 14,000 parcels each business day to customers across over 200 countries and regions worldwide.
Connect with us

Customer Service: 0086-755-83210457
Logistics Dept.: 0086-755-83233027

9:30am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 10pm,
Monday through Friday, UTC/GMT +8.